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100+ at Denver Country Fair

BirdSeed Collective's annual 100+ group exhibition happened this year as part of the Denver County Fair at the National Western Complex. More than 200 submissions from painters, photographers, illustrators, and sculptors of varied styles and subject matter filled the walls of the gallery section curated and hung by BirdSeed members Raymundo Muñoz and Anthony Garcia. Artists that submitted work were also included in the fair's art competition with ribbon and cash prizes for excellence in various categories. BirdSeed members Carla Padilla, Victor Escobedo, Kristina Garcia, James Jewkes, Madison Cleo, and Alex Jimenez were on deck the weekend of July 14 - 16 offering kids art activities and promoting the non-profit organization's work and nearby community events.

BirdSeed Collective would like to thank the wonderful, hard-working staff of the Denver County Fair and National Western Complex for inviting us to take part in this fun, family-friendly event. Thanks to all the artists that participated and to everyone that attended the event. We look forward to making next year's 100+ even better.


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Monday - Friday 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM

4496 Grant St. Denver, CO United 80216

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